

    “Swafoto” (Selfie)

    Acrylic and Chinese ink on burlap, 90 x 110 cm.

    Here’s another “clin d’œil”, an ironical wink, at today’s addiction to social media. A bright red sky sets the scene for a mighty eruption. The smoke is already billowing thick across the image. In front, standing at the edge of a picturesque paddy field scene, we see a local girl, dressed fashionably in batik clothes, taking a selfie of the event, almost unmoved, thinking “The world can collapse, I don’t care, provided that I am on this cool picture that my followers and the whole world can see…”

    Price: IDR 20 juta (framed)

    At Bosku Artspace Jl. Tangkuban Perahu No 88B, Kerobokkan

    seni baliart boskuartspace paisika galeribali artgallerybali
    Pascal Hierholz

    Pascal Hierholz

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